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Mario Sorrenti
Nichilista / Nihilist
Grazie a Mario Sorrenti 2014
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F.A.VI Marjan Jonkman by Mario Sorrenti (makeup Yadim)
24"x36" 2020
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X by Mario Sorrenti #1
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Volti e Fantasmi #1, Louise Pedersen
Grazie a Nagi Sakai / Mario Sorrenti, 2017 il tributo ad Ennio Morricone / Giuseppe Tornatore
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l'Enigma dello Spazio di Michael Heizer
Grazie a Bruce Nauman / Mario Sorrenti / Christy Turlington / Calvin Klein (Enigma of the Michael Heizer's Space) 2016
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Under Christy Turlington's Monument
2014 Thanks to Mario Sorrenti / Calvin Klein N/A N/A N/A N/A
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